Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Translation Shifts In Students Translated Texts English Language Essay

Translation Shifts In Students Translated Texts English Language Essay People living in this world are divided by their cultures. Language as the part of culture holds an important role in peoples lives because it enables people to express their ideas either by talking or writing to others. In the earlier times, people did not seem to have problems related to the communication since they only needed to communicate with people in the same community who had good knowledge of the language they used. However, along with the growth of the age marked by the advance of communication devices and the needs of people to communicate to others outside their communities, the problem of communication starts to occur since people have to communicate with others having different languages in terms of its grammatical structures, its vocabularies, and even its spellings. It causes difficulties for people who are not accustomed to those differences. In order to solve the problems between two different languages, people use translation. Basically, translation is a tool to deliver meaning from source language (SL) to target language (TL). To make sure the meaning is perfectly delivered, a translator must re-construct the text by translating the words from SL to TL and arrange them based on the structures of sentence in TL so the structures are suitable with TL and there will be no loss of meaning. Knowing the importance to master translation skills, universities in Indonesia open a subject studying translation, and one of them is Translation Skill subject in English Department State University of Jakarta focusing on studying translation between English and Indonesian languages. In this Translation Skill subject, besides studying the theories related to translation such as the process, the methods, and the strategies of translation, students also conduct the activity of translating, that is to translate texts from English to Indonesian language and vice versa. In order to become a professional translator, students do not only have to master proper knowledge concerning translation theories but also they have to able to translate different kinds of text from foreign languages, in this case, English to Indonesian language in a proper form which means that the text can be read easily and its meaning remains intact. However in the implementation, students may face problems especially related to the different structures between English and Indonesian because indeed, as Moentaha (2006:12) states, every language has its specific grammatical and lexical systems. Actually, there many strategies, procedures, and techniques provided by translation experts to solve difficulties in translating as well as to prevent any distortions of meaning and errors which may be conducted by a translator especially students of English Department as novice translators, and one of them is translation shift. Catford (1965:73) defines translation shift as the departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL. The shift can occur when a translator is translating a text from SL to TL by concerning some adaptations namely structural adaptation which causes the shift of form and semantic adaptation which causes the shift of meaning (Nida and Taber, 1969:105). Shifts are categorized into two major types, namely level shifts, the different level of equivalence between SL and TL items and category shifts, the departure of formal correspondence which are divided into four categories namely structure shifts, unit shifts, class shifts, and intra-system shifts (Catford, 1965:76). Studying those shifts in translation raises the curiosity of the writer to find out the types of shifts which occur in English Department students translated texts as well as the patterns of shift the students use to solve different structures between English and Indonesian language. Research Questions The questions to be answered in this study are: What type of shifts occurs in students translated texts? What shifts do dominantly occur in students translated texts? What pattern of shifts used by students to bridge the different grammatical structures between English and Indonesian? What pattern of shifts does dominantly occur in every type of shifts? Purpose of the Study The study aims at discovering the types of translation and classifying patterns of shifts occurring when students translate a text from English to Indonesian. From those kinds of translation shift and its patterns, the study also aims at figuring out the kinds of translation shift which dominantly occur in the translated text and the patterns of shift which are dominantly used by students to bridge the different grammatical structure between English and Indonesian. Limitation of the Study The study will focus on analyzing translation shifts occurring in thirty-five translated texts randomly taken from midterm test on Translation 2 subject conducted by students of English Literature Study Program English Department State University of Jakarta. The writer will use the theory of translation shifts provided by John Cunnison Catford in his book A Linguistic Theory of Translation dividing shifts into five categories namely level shifts, structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. Significance of the Study Besides can enrich the field of translation in English Department State University of Jakarta, this study is expected to enhance the ability of English Department students as novice translators to translate texts from English to Indonesian as equivalent as possible by concerning the shifts they can use to solve different structures between English and Indonesian. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter consists of definition of translation, process of translation, method of translation, definition of translation shifts, types of translation shifts, and the use of midterm test on Translation 2 subject as the source of data. 2.1. Definition of Translation Translation rises as an activity to translate message from source language containing meaning and words, and to reproduce them in a target language which can be understood by its readers. Although the elements of translation source text, meaning or information, and target text are agreed by translation experts proven by the presence of those elements in their definitions of translation, they have different ways to express the definition of translation. Catford (1978:20) defines translation as the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). From the phrase equivalent textual material above, it can be figured out that the main thing which should be replaced is the information. In other words, a translator has to be capable of replacing the information in source text with equivalent information in target text. Another definition of translation is also presented by Nida (1969:12) stating that translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. On that definition, Nida explains clearly that the main activity a translator has to do is to convey the message from source language to target language as natural as possible by regarding its meaning and style. Besides meaning and style, there is another thing which should be considered by translators if they want to create a good translation the intention of the source texts author. The concept is derived from Newmark (1988:5) who states that translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. Therefore, before translating a text, a translator has to read the whole text to understand the intention of STs author in making the text. In other words, a translator is like a bridge connecting the intention of STs author to the readers of target text. A balance between forms of language and structures of meaning which creates a complete package of a proper translation is delivered by Larson (1984:3) who states: Translation is transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. On that definition, the first activity translators have to do is to transfer the meaning constantly from SL to TL continued by delivering it in the appropriate form of TL to prevent any loss or distortion of meaning. 2.2. Process of Translation Before explaining the process of translation deeper, one thing to be considered is the meaning of process. Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary (2000:1050) provides three definitions of process and the first one is appropriate with translation defining process as a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result. Another definition of process is also provided by Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (2002:899) defining process as rangkaian tindakan, pembuatan, atau pengolahan yang menghasilkan produk. Two definitions of process above can be concluded that to achieve certain goals, there are a series of actions should be conducted. The same matter also occurs in translation when a translator has to undergo a series of processes to translate texts from SL to TL as stated by translation experts below. Larson (1988:3) provides three steps to produce a translation. First thing translators need to do is to learn the lexicons, grammatical structures, communication circumstances, and cultural contexts from source language continued by analyzing the SL texts to find out its meaning. Finally, the meaning is re-expressed using the lexicons and grammatical structures of target language and its cultural contexts as drawn on the figure below: Figure 1 SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Text to be translated Discover the meaning Meaning Re-express the meaning Translation In line with Larson, Nida and Taber (1982:33) also draws a figure to explain that translation has to undergo three processes namely analysis, transfer, and restructuring called Three Stages of Process as shown below: A (Source) (Analysis) X Y (Restructuring) B (Receptor) (Transfer) Figure 2 On the first stage namely analysis stage, the message in language A is analyzed in terms of its grammatical relationships as well as its meaning and combination of words in the form of X. Secondly, on the transfer stage, those analyzed materials are transferred in the mind of the translator from language A to language B in the form of Y. Finally, on the restructuring stage, the transferred materials are restructured in order to make the final message fully acceptable in the receptor language. Moreover, Newmark (1988:19) divides the process of translation into four levels namely the textual level, the referential level, the cohesive level, and the naturalness level. On the textual level, translators have to find the equivalence of SL grammar in TL, translate its lexical units, and put them in the appropriate form of TL sentences. However, there are some words having more than one meaning including idioms and figurative expressions in the source text and these are the task of translators in the referential level, to define the real meaning behind those expressions and put those meaning in the appropriate expressions in the target text. To link the textual and referential level, translators should advance to the next level namely cohesive level. In this level, translators use connective words which can unite the text such as conjunctions, enumerations, reiterations, definite articles, general words, referential synonyms, and punctuation marks (Newmark, 1988:23). In other wor ds, to secure the meaning of the text, translators have to secure its form first because if the sentences in the text are not linked together, the readers will not get the meaning of the text. Finally, on the last level, focusing on constructing translated texts, translators have to make sure that their translated texts make sense and read naturally for a certain kind of situation because the translated texts seem natural in one context, may not seem natural in other contexts. Nothing translators can do other than to read their whole translated texts, underline some unnatural expressions, and replace them with the more natural ones. 2.3. Method of Translation In their attempt to distinguish between methods, strategies, and techniques, Molina and Albir (2002:507) define methods of translation as the way of a particular translation process that is carried out in terms of translators objective, i.e., a global option that affects the whole texts and their definition is strengthened by Newmark (1988:81) stating that translation methods relate to whole texts, while translation procedures are used sentences and the smaller units of language. It can be concluded that the result of translated texts is determined by the methods of translation used by translators because the aim and the intention of translators will affect the overall result of their translated texts. Newmark (1988:45) draws the methods of translation in the form of a V diagram dividing them into SL emphasis such as word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, as well as semantic translation, and TL emphasis such as adaptation, free translation, idiomatic tr anslation, as well as communicative translation. 2.3.1 Word-for-Word Translation This method is used on the pre-translation phase where the TL words are directly put below the SL words as so called interlinear translation. Cultural words are translated literally out of the context. Translators only need to find the equivalent words from SL to TL but the position of those SL words remains intact in TL to understand the mechanism of TL and as Catford states (1965:25) to illustrate in a crude way differences structure between SL and TL for further studies. 2.3.2 Literal Translation This method of translation is between word-for-word and free translation where the words are still translated out of context as in word-for-word translation but then they are placed based on the grammatical structure of TL. 2.3.3 Faithful Translation In faithful translation, translators try to reproduce the contextual meaning of SL to TL and place them based on the grammatical structure of TL. Cultural words are translated but its grammatical and lexical abnormality still occurs. Faithful here means the translation attempt to be completely faithful to the intentions and text-realisation of the SL writer. 2.3.4 Semantic Translation This method of translation produces a more natural translation than the previous method since in semantic translation, the aesthetic element is taken into consideration and cultural words in SL are translated into its cultural equivalent in TL. Semantic translation is more flexible than faithful translation which Newmark (1988:46) says as an uncompromising and dogmatic method. 2.3.5 Adaptation Adaptation as the freest form of translation is commonly used in translating poetries and script of plays where cultural conversions occur from SL to TL without changing the themes, characters, or plot of SL. Therefore, if translators want to adapt a script of play, for example, they have to maintain the characters and plot of the script while adapting only its dialogues from SL to TL. 2.3.6 Free Translation In this method, the content of source text takes more priority than its form so paraphrase is commonly used to assure the message from source text can be clearly delivered to the readers of target text. 2.3.7 Idiomatic Translation When translators reach this method, their translations will not sound like translated texts anymore since in this method, the message is reproduced in TL with more natural and familiar expressions sometimes using colloquialisms and idioms which do not exist in SL. 2.3.8 Communicative Translation This method prioritizes the elements of communication such as purpose of translation and readership (Machali, 2000:55), so translators have to translate the contextual meaning of SL both its language and its content to be acceptable and understandable for readers of TL who expect no difficulties in reading translated texts. 2.4 Definition of Translation Shifts As stated on the scope of study, the writer will use the theory of translation shifts provided mainly by Catford added with some other explanations from Newmark as well as Vinay and Darbelnet. Catford (1965:73) defines translation shifts as the departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from SL to TL. Items which can be shifted are grammar as Newmark (1988:55) states shift is translation procedure involving a change in grammar from SL to TL, and word-class as Vinay and Darbelnet (1958:64) state transposition is the replacement of one word-class by another without changing the meaning of the message. Newmark (1988:85) states at least four reasons behind the occurrence of shifts. The first one is when SL and TL have different language systems so the shifts occur automatically and translators have no options but to undergo those shifts as in the translation of English plural words A pair of glasses to Indonesian singular words Sepasang kacamata and the position of adjectives as in A beautiful woman translated into Wanita cantik (Hartono, 2009:28). Another reason is when the grammatical structures of SL do not exist in TL, for example the initial position of verb in Indonesian sentences which is not familiar in English sentences except in imperative sentences. Therefore, it uses common structures of sentence as in the translation of Telah disahkan penggunaannya to Its usage has been approved (Hartono, 2009:29). Further, shifts also occur where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in the TL so it is the matter of naturalness between SL a nd TL, for example the change of word-class from noun to verb as in the translation of The pursuits of an intellectual life to Mengejar kehidupan intelektual. The last, shifts occur to replace virtual lexical gap by a grammatical structure, for example the change from phrase to clause as in the translation of The man with blue jacket is Mr. Green to Lelaki yang memakai jaket biru adalah Tuan Green (Hartono, 2009:30). 2.5 Types of Translation Shifts There are five types of shifts provided by Catford (1965:73) divided into two major types namely level shifts, and category shifts consisting of structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. 2.5.1 Level Shifts Level shift occurs when an item at one linguistic level in SL has its translation equivalent at different level in TL (Catford, 1965:73). The only possible level shift in translation is the shift from grammar to lexis and vice versa as in the translation between English This text is intended for. to French Le present Manuel sadresse a. From the example above, level shift occurs when English this as a term in grammatical system of deictic is translated to French le present as a modifier consisting an article + a lexical adjective. Another example is from English He is eating a noodle soup translated to Indonesian Dia sedang makan mie rebus where a grammatical structure of English present continuous tense (is + V-ing) is translated to Indonesian lexicon sedang. 2.5.2 Category Shifts Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (2000:196) defines category as a group of people or things with particular features in common. Catford (1965:76) states category shift refers to some shifts which share a particular feature departures from formal correspondence in translation. Category shifts is divided into four types namely structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. Structure Shifts Structure shifts grammatically occur at any ranks of language where words, phrase, clauses, or sentences in SL has its translation equivalent with the same rank in TL so only their structures are different. Catford (1965:77) gives an example of structure shifts in clause rank from English clause The man is in the boat. to Gaelic clause Tha an duine anns a bhata. where their subjects are highlighted, their predicators are italicized and their adjuncts are underlined. A shift of structure occurs since the subject and the predicator of English clause exchange their position when the clause is translated to Gaelic so the structure S-P-A in English is switched into P-S-A in Gaelic. Another structure shift also occurs at phrase rank from A beautiful woman with adjective + noun in English to wanita yang cantik with noun + adjective in Indonesian. Class Shifts Class shifts occur when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a member of a different class from the original item. An example given by Catford (1965:79) clearly shows a change of class from English phrase A white house to French phrase Une maison blanche where the English adjective white as a modifier (M) has its equivalence in French adjective blanche as a qualifier (Q) although both of them are adjectives, they possess different functions as a modifier in English and as a qualifier in French. A change of class also occurs when an English clause They insist on higher wages is translated into an Indonesian clause Mereka menuntut kenaikan gaji. The example shows that the English adjective of comparative higher changes to Indonesian noun kenaikan. Unit Shifts Unit shifts occur when the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the SL is a unit at different rank in the TL. An example comes from the translation of English clause My father is very nice to Indonesian clause Ayahku sangat baik where a phrase in SL my father has a word ayahku in TL as its equivalence. Intra-System Shifts Intra-system shifts are departures from formal correspondence where (a term operating in) one system in the SL has its translation equivalent (a term operating in) a different non-corresponding system in the TL, the shifts occur internally within a system. Vinay and Darbelnet in Catford (1965:80) give examples of the system related to the singular and plural form of words between English and French. An English singular word advice has translation equivalent a French plural word des concils and vice versa, a French singular word le pantalon has translation equivalent an English plural word trousers. 2.6 Midterm Test on Translation 2 Subject as the Source of Data Translation Skill is one of the subjects provided by English Department State University of Jakarta divided into two subjects taken continuously in different semesters namely Translation 1 in the fourth semester and Translation 2 in the fifth semester. Both subjects have four credits and are held twice a week. The purpose of this subject is to prepare reliable translators who can translate various kinds of texts including legal and non-legal text from English to Indonesian and vice versa. To reach its goal, students are not only given theories of translation such as definition, process, and various strategies to produce adequate translation, but they are also assigned to translate various kinds of texts to train their translation skill and to apply the theories they are studying. In the middle of the meetings, Translation 2 holds midterm test on November 2nd 2012 which consists of two parts. On the first part, students are given two texts and they have to choose the types of those texts whether persuasive, descriptive, or expository as well as to give their reasons regarding their choices. What will be analyzed by the writer is the second part of the test where students have to translate two texts from English to Indonesian titled The Meaning of English Literature and Enhancing the Role of Forests in Adapting to Climate Change as clearly, naturally, and accurately as possible. Although this is a midterm test, students are still allowed to open their dictionaries but it only helps them to find the lexical meaning of words. They still have to pay more attention to find its contextual meaning and to adjust their translations in the appropriate structures of Indonesian language using the strategies they have learnt so far, and one of the strategies may be transla tion shifts. Translated texts from midterm test are chosen as the source of data because during midterm test, students are translating the texts more carefully and more seriously to produce clear, natural, and accurate translations in order to obtain proper score. It comes better possibility to produce better translation. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter consists of theoretical framework, research method, data and source of data, data collection procedures, and data analysis procedures. 3.1. Theoretical Framework Following up the definition of translation by Larson who states translation is to transfer the meaning and to change the form of texts from SL to TL, the writer will conduct a study about translation shift in students translated texts. Catford (1965:73) defines translation shifts as the departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from SL to TL. In other words, there will be some changes of form when a text is translated from SL to TL. Newmark (1988:85) states shifts occur when SL and TL have different language systems, when the grammatical structures of SL do not exist in TL, when literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in the TL, and when translators want to replace virtual lexical gap by a grammatical structure. The translated texts are taken from English Department State University of Jakarta students answer sheets of Translation 2 midterm test and those translated texts will be analyzed using the theories of translatio n shifts by Catford who divided shifts into five categories namely level shifts, structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. The writer chooses to analyze translated texts from midterm test because during midterm test, students will be more serious and more careful in doing their tests to obtain proper score so the possibility to produce better translation is higher. 3.2 Research Method In this study, the writer will use descriptive analysis as the method of the study. Kountur (2004:105) defines descriptive as a kind of research which gives descriptions or analyses over a situation as clearly as possible without manipulating the objects being observed. Therefore, in descriptive analysis method, the writer will describe the data and continued by analyzing them as Ratna (2010:53) states that descriptive analysis method is conducted by describing facts followed by analyses providing sufficient understanding and explanation. 3.3 Data and Sources of Data Thirty-five translated texts in Indonesian language from midterm test on Translation 2 subject will be used as the source of data. The analysis will be focused on the words, phrases, and clauses in the texts as the data. 3.4 Data Collection Procedures Data collection is a process of recording an event and gathering pertinent information (La Pierre and Zimmerman, 1997:39). In this study, the writer will collect the data using following procedures: Asking for permission from the lecturers of Translation 2 subject to borrow answer and question sheets. Copying the answer and the question sheets. Reading two English texts in the question sheet. Reading two translated texts written in Indonesian from students answer sheets. Underlining words, phrases, and clauses where translation shifts occur to be categorized and analyzed later. 3.5 Data Analysis Procedures After collecting the data, the writer will analyze them using the procedures below: Drawing a table consisting of English items, Indonesian items, and types of shift columns as following: English Items Indonesian Items Level Shifts Category Shifts Structure Shifts Class Shifts Unit Shifts Intra-system Shifts Name of Students: Filling English and Indonesian Items columns with the words, phrases, or clauses from both versions of texts to be analyzed. Determining the patterns of shift on the types of shift columns as shown below: English Items Indonesian Items Level Shifts Category Shifts Structure Shifts Class Shifts Unit Shifts Intra-system Shifts They insist on higher wages Mereka menuntut kenaikan gaji Adjective to Noun Listing the types and the patterns of shift used by every student as shown below: Student A Types of Shift Amount Patterns of Shift Amount Level Shifts 14 Grammar to Lexis 14 Structure Shifts 10 Adj+N to N+Adj 10 Class Shifts 12 Adjective to Noun 9 Noun to Adjective 3 Unit Shifts 11 Word to Phrase 4 Phrase to Word 7 Intra-System Shifts 15 Plural to Singular 15 Stating the dominant types and patterns of shift. For example, the table above shows that the dominant type of shift is intra-system shifts while the dominant patterns of shift are grammar to lexis from level shifts, Adj+N to N+Adj from structure shifts, Adjective to Noun from class shifts, Phrase to Word from unit shifts, and Plural to Singular from intra-system shifts.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Eating Disorders Essay -- essays research papers fc

An eating disorder is an illness that involves an unhealthy feeling about the food we eat. â€Å"Eating disorders affect 5-10 millions Americans and 70 million individuals worldwide† (www.eatingdisorderinfo.org 1). They also affect many people from women, men, children, from all ages and different races. People who have eating disorders usually see themselves as being fat when they really aren’t. This usually deals with women or teenage girls mostly. They watch television, movies, read articles in magazines, and see pictures of the celebrities whom they want to be like because they have the â€Å"ideal body† that everyone wants and craves for. The media makes us all think we need those types of bodies to be happy with ourselves, be more successful in life, and be perfect. Starving yourself or eating less amounts of food doesn’t help you get the â€Å"ideal body† that you desire to have. This shows that you lack self-esteem and only want to see what other people see in life. This may impinge on people who are alone and want to get attention and by doing this they want to be thin. There are many different kinds of eating disorders that people are affected with. For example, there is Anorexia Nervosa, which deals with not eating regularly or eats little amounts of food or not eating at all. There is also Bulimia Nervosa, which is when a person eats a large amount of food and then binges or purges after to get rid of the food they just put into the body. Lastly there is the Binge eating disorder. This disorder is when a person keeps a secret from everyone of their excessive eating. â€Å"Women make up more than 90 percent of people with these eating disorders† (www.4woman.gov 1).â€Å"However, young women are most vulnerable, particularly between the ages 15-25 years† (www.edauk.com 1). Women are more likely to be anorexic, because they always see other women with thin bodies and feel pressured to want to be like them. They may be alone or divorced and may need attention so they look for ways to get that attention from people. â€Å"The women suffer with feelings of self-hate, worthlessness, low self-esteem, and they usually feel that in order to be happy, they must be thin† (www.mirror-mirror.org 1). Women in the business industry feel they don’t get enough attention from people so in order to heighten their career, they put themselves out there to have the perfect body to get people’s att... ... illness. If you do not seek help you can damage your body, cause major health problems, and even death. But if you do seek help, you can increasingly build up your self-esteem that helps cope with the illness. Bibliography #1 - Thompson, Colleen. Eating Disorders. Internet Explorer December 9, 2002 #2 - Thompson, Colleen. Children. Internet Explorer December 9, 2002 #3 - Thompson, Colleen. Women. Internet Explorer December 9, 2002 #4 - Thompson, Colleen. Binge Eating Disorder. Internet Explorer December 9, 2002 #5 - Thompson, Colleen. Anorexia Nervosa. Internet Explorer December 9, 2002 #6 - Thompson, Colleen. Bulimia Nervosa. Internet Explorer December 9, 2002 #7 - Hendrick, Victoria Eating Disorders. Internet Explorer July 2002 #8 - Spearing, Melissa. Eating Disorders. Internet Explorer. August 6, 2002 #9 – Anonymous. EDA. What is an Eating Disorder? Internet Explorer. March 31, 2004 #10 – Anonymous. Eating Disorders Statistics. Internet Explorer. http://www.eatingdisorderinfo.org #11 - Harmon, Dan. Anorexia Nervosa Starving for Attention. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers 1999 #12 - Nardo, Dan. Eating Disorders. San Diego, California: Lucent Books, Inc. 1991

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Godfather Death Essay

What would you ask for your newborn child if you could ask for anything? What would you sacrifice to get it? In the realm of fairy tales, subjects such as these are common catalysts for conveying life choices and the ensuing consequences. Each tale may relate to certain scenarios or social status of a specific gender, but one such tale—Godfather Death—can be related to by every walk of life. The subject that is contemplated by the Brothers Grimm is death and the power or lack of that a person possesses to control it (Grimm 233). â€Å"See,† said Death, â€Å"these are the life-lights of mankind. The large ones belong to children, the medium-sized ones to married people in their best years, and the little ones to old people. However, even children and young people often have only a tiny candle. † This Grimm Brothers’ account of such a tale involves a father that is portrayed as a hard worker that can barely provide his twelve children the basic necessities of life (Grimm 230). When he is informed he has a thirteenth child coming into the world, the father immediately seeks a godfather to make this child’s life an easier one than the previous twelve. After reviewing his found choices of God, the Devil, and Death, he chooses Death as his son’s godfather. The father believes Death is the most unbiased and will provide equality to all. The son becomes of age and Godfather Death provides him a present that will make the life good for the now young man: He took him out into the woods and showed him an herb that grew there, saying, â€Å"Now you shall receive your godfather’s present. I will turn you into a famous physician. Whenever you are called to a sick person I will appear to you. If I stand at the sick person’s head, you may say with confidence that you can make him well again; then give him some of this herb, and he will recover. But if I stand at the sick person’s feet, he is mine, and you must say that he is beyond help, and that no physician in the world could save him. But beware of using this herb against my will, or something very bad will happen to you. â€Å" The Grimm story, at this point, leads us to believe that the man’s father made a good choice in choosing the godfather as the young man becomes famous and wealthy by obeying Death’s instructions of the gift. Most parents would be happy with such results. As with most fairy tales, good fortune usually has a price to be paid. In the case of Grandfather Death, the price is not being able to pick and choose who can die and who cannot as the man finds out when he desperately wants a certain king to live and then the king’s daughter (Grimm 231, 232). The man finds just how true that fact is. This is an interesting point to ponder and in my research I came across an article providing insight into the quality of life during the days of dying (CBSNews 1). So, is extending life a valid action if the quality of life is questionable? In the article, the following was discovered: â€Å"Families cannot imagine there could be anything worse than their loved one dying. But in fact, there are things worse. Most generally, it’s having someone you love die badly,† Byock said. A vast majority of Americans say they want to die at home, but 75 percent die in a hospital or a nursing home. The article points out another fact of how much money is spent on prolonging death just a few days, weeks, months in some cases. I think it’s interesting that we tend to spend a lot of money avoiding the unavoidable. Quality of life? These are all good questions that a person will eventually consider. â€Å"What will I give up to stay alive a little longer? † In the story, Death takes the man to see his candle that represents his life, which has become very short as the man decided to trick Death to let the king and the king’s daughter live. The man finds his fate to be grim indeed, no pun intended, but the tale is most fitting as one that the Brothers Grimm’s retelling (Grimm 233). Perhaps the point that can be extracted from the fairy tale is that a person needs to accept the fact that death is inevitable and make the most of their allotted time given during a person’s life. I believe the contemporary saying of â€Å"life is short, make the most of it† is very fitting. The same message was being pondered then and is still consider an unavoidable subject, no matter how morbid. Death is a timeless, unavoidable issue that eventually all must face. This story just tries to put it in perspective indirectly. The reader of Godfather Death is driven to consider just how precious life is by considering what’s coming at the end. Works Cited Grimm, Jacob. Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales. Raleigh: Sweetwater, 2012. Print.. CBSNews. â€Å"The Cost of Dying. † CBSNews, December 3, 2010. Web. http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-18560_162-5711689. html.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

My Personal Theory Of Counseling Essay - 996 Words

Values, Morals, and Beliefs are components that play a role in an individual’s self-identity. The establishment of these components shape human nature, behavior, and the development of an individual’s purpose. The basis of these fundamentals has contributed to my desire to become a counselor. This paper will discuss my views of human nature, factors of behavior changes, goals of therapy, the roles of a therapist, and the counseling approaches that I chose to incorporate in a practice. The understanding of human nature is the concept that there is a set of inherent distinguishing characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that all humans tend to possess (Winkler, 1996). My basic view of human nature correlates with†¦show more content†¦Social factors associated with human development are the factors that surround the individual. The social factors are the issues that are involved in their environment. For instance, social factors could be peer pressure, parental support, cultural and religious background, socioeconomic status, and interpersonal relationships, and all of these factors contribute to the development, and help to shape personality and influence psychological makeup. The intellectual factors that accounts for behavior changes is the mental capacity and stability of an individual. These factors are learned as well as innate. Intellectual factors are involved in human development being that it is how the individual processes information mentally, that determines their behavior. Physical, social, and intellectual factors are major components to the changes in behavior. The nature of therapist-client relationship and understanding the therapist’s role is vital in making sure that the client’s rights are not jeopardized. The client must be willing to trust the therapist. The therapist can earn the trust of the client will confidentiality guidelines that are established by requiring informed conse nt. The therapist-client relationship is based on counseling approach as well as relationship with the client. The therapist’s role is to understand the client’s needs, help them get their needs met mentally, and to develop the proper plan that fits the client’s needs. The therapist must fullyShow MoreRelatedIntegrated Approach For Counseling And Counseling1653 Words   |  7 PagesIntegrated approach to counseling is when you combined theories to cover the clients’ feelings, cognitive patterns, and behavior (Corey, Theory and Practice of Counseling and Pschotherapy 8e, 2009). Each theory focuses one of these key components of a client but in counseling you need to focus on each of these to fully help a client. The key to integrative counseling is to have multiple theories function in harmony (Corey, Theory and Practice of Counseling and Pschotherapy 8e, 2009). 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